Wednesday, May 13, 2009

iPhone and moves network promotion

We like the Internet, is because Internet does not belong to anybody, not by anybody control, therefore it in fact belongs to all people. You may have your intelligence, your resources, your idea, joins in the Internet. Therefore we had have leapt the news, the baidu, Alibaba, Sohu, Sina and so on a large quantities of success privately operated undertaking company, had surpasses 300,000,000 eats to the full the food to be all right the dry Chinese to become Internet's direct beneficiary, also had to China's economy, the culture, the society and the political more and more noticeable major impact. At this time we will feel rejoiced that initially the operator had not been able to control the Internet luckily.if an industrial chain will be controlled finally, that should also by rely on the innovation, relies on wins the user to obtain the superiority the enterprise to control, and this kind of control is not cannot abolish, unmodifiable, the option should on the user.

Therefore I believed that for all national's benefit, for the national long-term benefits, the government must limit the operator to abuse the administrative monopoly superiority, the hindrance competition, the hindrance user's free choice. If our mobile interned has become several operator's private gardens finally, that will be nationality's sorrow. I did not believe that in that private garden can grow any strange flower and grass.who does and move operator as for iPhone is a wolf, we already knew.
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